Project Exchange

ACTIVITY: Outlining the Evidence and Analysis

Project: Humanities Essay: Am I My Brother or Sister's Keeper?





Duration: 120+ minutes

Assessments: Student writing



This was a multi-day process used to guide the students through outlining the body of their essay by breaking down each of their 4 Evidence and Analysis points.

The Assignment instructs students that their analysis must be an:
* Examination and discussion at least 4 significant social/historical events or situations and draw connections to the effect these events had on people their perceptions.
* Exploration how each of these 4 social/historical events and/or situations and their effects inform your own sense of what our responsibility is toward one another.


(e.g. rubrics, examplars, websites, etc.)

Outling the Essay Presentation
Powerpoint presentation used to guide students through the steps to draft/outline the body of their essay....
Download (156K)

Outlining Template
Students used this as a template to guide their drafting for each of their for Evidence and Analysis points....
Download (71K)

Outlining the Essay Process
This is a handout the students used to help them go through the steps to draft/outline the body of their essay....
Download (31K)


Author Reflections