Project Exchange

ACTIVITY: Revolutionary Research Packet

Project: Metaphor Machines



The purpose of this unit is to teach research skills, critical thinking, and the content of the revolutions, but also...




Duration: 120+ minutes

Assessments: Student reflections/journals, Research, Group work, Other (enter below)

Additional Assessment Type: quizzes included



This is a portfolio of research done over a couple of months to teach about the nature of revolutions, and to prepare students to choose a revolution on which to base their machine.

Metaphor Machines could really be done with a wide range of historical events/movements/etc, so sample assignments can be downloaded here; for access to a comprehensive archive of this specific set of assignments, please go to and click on "Revolutions."


(e.g. rubrics, examplars, websites, etc.)

American Revolution Resources

American Revolution Sample Assignment
Declaration of Rights Timeline: students create timelines showing cause & effect relationships between writers, differen...
Download (29K)

American Revolution Sample Assignment B
Research Stations for use with Declaration of Rights Timeline...
Download (102K)

American Revolution Sample Assignment C
PowerPoint for use with Declaration of Rights Timeline; students take notes and use them to create their timeline....
Download (188K)

American Revolution Sample Assignment D
Declarations of Rights, for use with Declaration of Rights Timeline...
Download (61K)

Artistic Revolution: Painting Change Packet
Students read a text book section (Artistic Revolution: Painting Change reading), and complete this packet where they de...
Download (47K)

Artistic Revolution: Painting Change Reading
Students read about the progression of three artistic movements and their relationships to the social change around them...

Checklist: Revolutionary Research Packet
Add to or replace any or all of these assignments. This is the historical background that is necessary to choose a revo...
Download (31K)

French Revolution Resources

French Revolution Sample Assignment
Investigation Stations...
Download (2.4M)

Industrial Revolution: Investigation Stations
An introduction to inventions created during the industrial revolution, and the effects they had on society....
Download (3.3M)

Non-Violent Revolutions Resources

Quiz: American Revolution
Use website resources and this exact quiz, or adapt this to meet your American Revolution needs....
Download (44K)

Quiz: French Revolution
Use website resources and this exact quiz, or adapt this to meet your French Revolution needs....
Download (52K)

Quiz: South American Revolutions
Use website resources and this exact quiz, or adapt this to meet your South American Revolution needs....
Download (51K)

South American Revolutions Resources

South American Revolutions Sample Assignment
Internet Research assignment, used later for poster & paragraph activities....
Download (58K)

Women's Rights: A World of Change
Students independently research women who made a difference in the world for other women, their situations, and their ou...
Download (714K)


Author Reflections

It was challenging to grade mastery of knowledge when students had mastery over isolated sections; some students showed mastery over two revolutions, but then had 3 that were largely incomplete. Decide ahead of time what is "passing" for this assessment, and whether sections will be graded individually; keep in mind they shouldn't begin anything to do with building a machine until they meet your standards of knowledge around a revolution. We found that half the classes gained the most mastery of the French Revolution! Maybe because of Nation X?