Project Exchange

A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)

By Kyle Hartung City Arts and Tech High School


None entered



A Project Overview
Kyle Hartung

The Launch
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)
MS Word

Assessment Rubric
Kyle Hartung

The Launch
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)
MS Word

Exhibit Program
Kyle Hartung

Exhibition Night
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)
MS Word

Exhibition Night Slideshow
Kyle Hartung

Exhibition Night
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)

Holocaust Memorial Visit
Kyle Hartung

Visiting a Museum & Holocaust Memorial
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)
MS Powerpoint

Introducing the Project
Kyle Hartung

The Launch
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)
MS Powerpoint

Model Exploration Handout
Kyle Hartung

Exploring Models and Re-Visiting Work
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)
MS Word

Montage Image Modeling
Kyle Hartung

Exploring Models and Re-Visiting Work
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)
MS Powerpoint

Project & Time Management Tool
Kyle Hartung

Getting Started and Beyond
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)
MS Word

Workshop Schedule
Kyle Hartung

The Launch
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)
MS Word