Project Exchange

California State Content Standards

You Selected: "The Tempest" Video Project

ELA R.1.1: Identify and use the literal and figurative meanings of words and understand word derivations.

ELA R.3.3: Analyze interactions between main and subordinate characters in a literary text (e.g., internal and external conflicts, motivations, relationships, influences) and explain the way those interactions affect the plot.

ELA R.3.4: Determine characters' traits by what the characters say about themselves in narration, dialogue, dramatic monologue, and soliloquy.

ELA R.3.8: Interpret and evaluate the impact of ambiguities, subtleties, contradictions, ironies, and incongruities in a text.

ELA R.3.9: Explain how voice, persona, and the choice of a narrator affect characterization and the tone, plot, and credibility of a text.

ELA R.3.10: Identify and describe the function of dialogue, scene designs, soliloquies, asides, and character foils in dramatic literature.

ELA R.3.12: Analyze the way in which a work of literature is related to the themes and issues of its historical period. (Historical approach)

ELA W.1.9: Revise writing to improve the logic and coherence of the organization and controlling perspective, the precision of word choice, and the tone by taking into consideration the audience, purpose, and formality of the context.

ELA L.1.14: Identify the aesthetic effects of a media presentation and evaluate the techniques used to create them (e.g., compare Shakespeare's Henry V with Kenneth Branagh's 1990 film version).

Theater 1.1: Use the vocabulary of theatre, such as acting values, style, genre, design, and theme, to describe theatrical experiences.

Theater 2.1: Make acting choices, using script analysis, character research, reflection, and revision through the rehearsal process.

Theater 2.3: Design, produce, or perform scenes or plays from a variety of theatrical periods and styles, including Shakespearean and contemporary realism.

Theater 3.1: Identify and compare how film, theatre, television, and electronic media productions influence our values and behaviors.

Theater 3.3: Identify key figures, works, and trends in world theatrical history from various cultures and time periods.

Theater 5.1: Describe how skills acquired in theatre may be applied to other content areas and careers.

Theater 5.2: Manage time, prioritize responsibilities, and meet completion deadlines for a production as specified by group leaders, team members, or directors.